September Intuitive Word of the Month: Plan
Alright you little engines that could! Here we are right in the beginning of Virgo season and the word that smacked me upside the head for you was: plan. While the Gregorian Calendar may tell us that the New Year begins January 1, there are a lot of traditions/religions that begin their new year in the fall. As someone who has been in academia for the past decade - this totally rings very true for me as well. Something about the smell of books, highlighters and apples triggers the sense of a new beginning in me.
In Human Design, the correct strategy for Generators is to respond. This means that the Universe is constantly sending you little signs and clues for what to do, and your job is to respond accordingly based on what lights you up.
So, how does planning play into this? Well, think out over this upcoming fall season. Are there things that when you think about doing them, they absolutely light you up? Well get those dang things on the calendar and plan for them! Maybe it's apple picking or fall festivals or maybe it's that dinner you’ve been meaning to schedule with your friends… Well, make a plan for it, baby!
‘Cause, in case you haven’t heard it before, one of your greatest gifts to the world is the good juju you put back into it when you do things that light you up. Planning some things over this next season that excite you literally makes the world a more joyful place for the rest of us.
Also, when you have a plan for what you’re really excited about, it makes it easier to say NO (*ahem* a Generator’s most magnetic word *ahem*) to the things that just don’t jazz you up.
Love you, Generators! Wishing you a magical and magnetic fall.